Saturday, January 30, 2010

A Long Silence

When Pope Benedict urged Roman Catholic priests to blog, there was some discussion of whether or not he should blog. One commentator that I heard said that if he did, he would have to accept the discipline of blogging every day.

So, I have failed as a blogger, having let a month go by without posting. There are, of course, reasons for that, chiefly the fact that I have been sick since I last posted. Not seriously, I am at death's door,sick, but sick enough with bronchitis and a hematoma that I managed to create by coughing to have slowed me down considerably.

Besides that, I have been preoccupied with thoughts about retiring. Not so much musings on where we will live, what part-time work I can do, and what it will be like to live near our granddaughter, but thoughts about leave-taking from a parish that I have served for the past eight years. An Alban Institute publication, which I have not yet consulted, likened it to running through thistles. Responsible leave-taking is hard work and I don't imagine that I will get it right. I will make mistakes and will leave some messes for others to clean up after I'm gone. But that doesn't mean that I shouldn't work at getting it as right as possible.

We set the date and then, for a number of reasons, decided to make that date, at least for the present, a tentative one. We now have a retirement window - June and July - and will find in the next month the date that seems to work best for all of us.

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